My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Historic Details

This past week I spent some time in Middletown Connecticut.

It was nice to take a closer look

at the historic sites located there.

There is nothing like opening a door,

stepping into the past

and unlocking

all the treasures

historic sites have to offer.

Everywhere I looked,

the details told a story.

And It was very clear,

They don't make things how they used to.

This is the Russel House.

I decided to stop and take a closer look.

Every time I drive by, I notice this gigantic elm tree in the front.

I love this tree.

And the house was amazing too.

Baby, You're Not Lost

The other day while exploring Connecticut I came across this sign.

After exploring further and further, I had no idea where I was.

So I followed the sign's advice. I stopped looked up and said "Well, I would like some direction please."

Just then the song " baby you're not lost" came across the radio.

A minute later I found myself here,

and I figured I was in a good place!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Today is the

I'm so pleased you're here!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm Seeing Green!

March has inspired me to see the greener side of things.

While eating my "green" breakfast, I looked up green on Wikipedia
and found the following green facts.

The word green is closely related to the Old English verb growan, “to grow”.

Green is life.

Abundant in nature, green signifies growth,

renewal, health, and environment.

Green is restful to the eye.

Green is also associated with regeneration,

fertility and rebirth.

In Hinduism, Green is used to symbolically represent the fourth, heart chakra.

It is often used to describe foliage and the sea,

and has become a symbol of environmentalism.

Lastly, green can communicate safety to proceed, as in traffic lights.

What great reasons to Go Green!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St.Patrick's Day

Here is a LUCKY CLOVER for you!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Everyone Think Spring!

As I was watching snow fall sideways outside my window yesterday,

I decided that I am ready for spring.

I know I should enjoy each season.

but honestly, I'm over winter.

So here is my plan,

to help Spring come a little faster.

I am posting pictures of spring!

I figure if I visualize Spring

maybe it will come faster!

Sorry winter,

but I'm ready for spring.

This could be wishful thinking

but it's worth a try.

So Everyone Think Spring!

and Happy Spring Early!