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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Thursday!

I got the flu last week, I didn't even get the flu shot, go figure.

Anyway, I bought some flowers to make myself feel better, and it worked. Not only did I feel better, they made me happy!

Of course, I picked the orange flowers. They were so pretty I thought why not share?
So here are some flowers for you!
Sorry you can't smell them, but a picture lasts longer!

Happy Thursday To You!

Friday, November 7, 2008

My Son The Super Hero!

I thought I would share my family's Halloween experience.
This year I asked my son what he wanted to be for Halloween and not surprisingly he answered “Spiderman.” I thought to myself – Why did I even ask? I should know that. Suddenly it hit me, we have passed the point, where as a parent I can pick out his Halloween costume.

This realization made me kind of sad. In the past I have really enjoyed picking out his costumes.

His first year
he was a lobster

followed by a monkey

and last year, true to my Parrothead roots, I chose the Shark Costume.

The shark was my favorite.

However this was another milestone in the world of Sawyer Bean,
Picking out his own costume.

He made a terrific Spiderman, it's almost as if he was born to be Spiderman.

It could just be me, but I swear he got faster with that costume on. It was like, as soon as he put it on he didn't stop running.

I also learned something new this year, just in case someone else might find it useful I'll share.
When you get your child's costume, if you are planning on having them wear "warm clothes" underneath, BE SURE to have them try it on with clothes underneath it the first time! Unless they are planning to wear a coat over their costume, in that case, good luck with that.

I did not do this,
instead we let him try on his costume and run around the house for hours. When it was time to put the costume on for Halloween it took me an hour to convince him that he needed to wear clothes underneath it. He insisted that Spiderman doesn't do it that way, and I insisted that Spiderman's mom said that he does! Eventually after MUCH convincing he put the costume over his clothes and had a very Happy Halloween. Overall we had a really great Halloween, I hope you did too!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Perfect Pumpkin

A few weeks ago we went to Rosa's Berry Farm to pick out a pumpkin for Halloween. I know Halloween is over, but it was such a memorable experience I thought, why not share.

At first I thought a pumpkin,

is a pumpkin

is a pumpkin. Right?

Rosa's Berry Farm had just about every pumpkin that exists.

Green ones,

white ones,

and of course, orange ones.

Orange ones.

and MORE orange ones.

Orange is the color of happiness! So of course we were leaning towards the orange.

Just when we thought we had seen them all, we went to the pumpkin patch,

and found MORE! Imagine picking one.

I knew we would find it eventually, the perfect pumpkin.

The pumpkin that would brightly shine among all the rest.

We explored our options carefully.

Leaving no pumpkin unturned!

Then we found it! The Perfect Pumpkin!
The choice was clear, this was THE pumpkin.

It was more red-orange than orange orange, and kind of shaped like a heart.
Just looking at it made us happy!
We knew at once this was the PERFECT pumpkin for us, so we picked it!;)

Hope you found the perfect pumpkin too!