My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:

Friday, October 31, 2008

OOOwwww SCARY!!!!

Back in Boston, we had the pleasure of walking through some of the oldest graveyards Beantown had to offer. While in one graveyard I noticed this tree looking at me.

Do you see the face in the tree?



Saturday, October 25, 2008

Politics Got You Down?

Does this Election have you,
Freaking Out?

Pulling out your hair?

Ready for it to be over?

Don't worry it's ALMOST over!

until then,

it's only politics :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Bean turns 3

Today my bean turned three.

It is so hard to believe I have only known him three years. It seems like just yesterday when he was "My Little Being."

In the three short years we have been together
this child has taught me SO much.

For instance:
Sleep is HIGHLY underrated!

PATIENCE IS A SKILL, not a virtue, a skill.

Becoming his mother has taught me, when faced with a big challenge,

I should never underestimate my power to overcome it.

If I am feeling overwhelmed it's OK to ask for help.

That true happiness can be found in the simple things

like the right pair of boots!

He reminds me that change brings good things,

it can be exciting! And it helps us grow.

Then he proves to me that new experiences are not scary chances to fail,

But amazing opportunities to experience life.

He notices

and respects everything on his path.

It usually takes us five times longer to get anywhere,

than it did before he came along.

But when he looks out at the world,

he takes his time and truly sees it.

Unless of course, he's running.

He sees everyone and everything with clear eyes

an open mind

and an open heart, and he truly lives every moment.

He has challenged me to grow further and love deeper then I ever imagined was possible and as I watch him grow and experience life, it is so clear to me that

And it only took him three years to teach me all of that!

What can I say he is AMAZING!

Happy Birthday Bean!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

B is for Boston

If you ask my son what "B" stands for,

he will gladly tell you, "B is for Boston!"


And Sawyer Bean!

So a couple of weeks ago when we had the opportunity to go away for a long weekend, we headed over to Massachusetts,

and fell in love with BOSTON!

The following few blogs are highlights of our Boston adventure! I hope you enjoy this city as much as I did!

Boston Common


The trees were my favorite part.

Especially the willow trees

Sawyer's favorite part was the wildlife,

the "well fed" wild life.

He had SO much fun

Helping these pigeons

get their morning exercise.

Although the birds were fun,

They were not nearly as much fun as


It was so much fun to learn about Boston's history,

when we could put our hands on the treasures of the past and feel the history.

The Public Garden was beautiful,

The park was filled with famous figures.

We had a great time enjoying nature.

and watching the children play.

As we were leaving the park we came across Wendell Phillips. We liked what he had to say,

So much in fact Sawyer wanted to shake his hand.

You can bet after that park experience we had one tired little boy. Who was lucky to get a lift from his dad.

As we were leaving I took one last look around

And it occurred to me how lucky we are to be able to enjoy the
