My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:
My website moved here:

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Amber kind of day

Amber is the Color

Today I heard the song "Amber" by 311 three times. Once this morning, once midday, and again this afternoon.
This is one of my favorite songs.

To hear it three times in one day, was inspiring.

On my way home I had the song on my mind and I noticed these amber colored Irises.

So I stopped and took some pictures.

Just makes me want to sing- Whoa, amber is the color of your energy!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May 28

This was my ZEN calendar quote of the day.
I liked it, so I thought I would share.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Weekend to Remember

Our Memorial Day weekend started with something new for breakfast
I called this creation
Put on your Happy Face
it's a three day Weekend Waffles!

For this you will need:
Frozen Waffles, Berries, and Whipped cream in a can!
Full of antioxidants and sure to please the pickiest of eaters!

After Breakfast we had a delivery, Sawyer's Grandparents recently went to the Cayman Islands,

And they sent Sawyer his very own Stingray, named Raymond.
After welcoming Raymond to the family, we had an organizing extravaganza. My office and closet received their very own make over. This was fun, at first, then after awhile my excitement dwindled.

So we went for a hike. Sawyer had a hard time deciding which shoes to wear on the hike.
When we reached these rocks

I was glad he did not go with the boots.

On our hike we came across many interesting creatures. Like this frog, who at first did not want his picture taken.

After some persistence on my part he posed for me.

This Caterpillar on the other hand, seemed very happy to get her picture taken.

After all that hiking Sawyer Bean needed a lift.

Just when we thought the excitement was over, we saw this turtle. So we stopped for a picture.
I couldn't tell you if he was happy to get his picture taken, he just looked at me as if to say "What the hell are you doing lady?"

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Spring Fling

This past week Sawyer and I attended the annual Spring Fling at his school. They had many different activities.
Like stamp art,

Make your own hat,

and paint your own bag.

There were many colors to choose from.

Sawyer got very creative and decided to mix all the colors together, and turned them into hand lotion!

The evening ended with a make your own ice cream sundae bar.
We had so much fun Sawyer did not want to leave!

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Perfect Sky

Somehow the other day I pulled a BUNCH of muscles in my back. I'm guessing it had something to do with carrying my son to the car after the Spring Fling. That night I woke up in so much pain it hurt to breath. After very little sleep I was having, a Grouchy Day. I was driving to the doctor feeling all grouchy, and then I looked up, and noticed the sky.

It was the perfect sky, so perfect I took a picture

several actually.
At the doctors I read an article in this month's Oprah magazine titled 'into the gap', I LOVED the article it made me laugh so hard I cried. However, laughing that hard really didn't feel that good on my back, but it was worth it!
Then, when I got home I noticed my Sister who lives in Japan sent me an email. She also attached some awesome pictures she took of Japan!
These experiences turned my frown upside down! So Thank You, God for the perfect sky, Oprah for the article and Briana for the pictures! They made me less grouchy, so my family thanks you too!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The car that just won't quit!

On May 3rd I found this balloon. Someone left it because it had floated to the ceiling and they could not reach it.
My son LOVES Lightning McQueen, LOVES him!
So immediately I'm thinking SCORE awesome find! If only I could get him down. My friend suggested, using scotch tape on the end of a pool stick. This worked great so I brought him home.

This week it occurred to me, McQueen has been hanging around a long time now. So I decided to document how long he will last.
This was three days ago,

This was yesterday,

And today nineteen days after we found him,
slightly deflated but still smiling!
I would totally recommend the place where this balloon was purchased. But like I said we found it, so I can't.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Sunday Hike in Connecticut

Connecticut is full of great places to explore. Sunday we decided to go on a spur of the moment hike. This little forest is right next to a park we like to go to.

Sawyer found a great hiking stick.
Thank goodness I just happened to be wearing my Hiking flip-flops!

I love it here, it's so lush and green. The trees get so tall it's like hiking through a Jungle. Notice how the plants are almost as tall as Sawyer, and it's only May.
The only thing is, everyone keeps telling me to be aware of ticks. I would be lying if I said that the thought of being inhabited by a tick never runs through my mind. Especially as I am hiking through the woods in flip flops.
However, we have been lucky so far, and you can bet as I said that I am also knocking on wood. We haven't seen any yet, and I am crossing my fingers that we won't!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Lyman Orchards

 If you ever have the opportunity to visit this place do it!
You can pick your own fruit during the fruit season!

The first time we tried picking fruit was last summer, we picked blueberries. I thought it would be fun to pick our own berries and make a pie.

Picking blueberries,and trying to reason with Sawyer about the fact that we needed to pay for the berries before we ate them was harder then I had expected.

He put more in his mouth then he did in our carton. He LOVES blueberries! He didn't even seem to mind if they were ripe.
That day we did not collect quite enough berries to make a pie. By the time we made it to the check out stand our bill was 35 cents, then he polished off our whole carton before we got to the car.

Thankfully they have a store where you can buy the fruit already picked!

They sell awesome produce there,

today we bought apples.

There is also a bakery, so if your not up for baking a pie you can buy one. Or you can stop in and have a sandwich made at their Deli.

Then step outside and enjoy your lunch while sitting under a giant willow tree, overlooking their pond.

After lunch you can feed the birds!

If your really lucky you might even get to see some babies!

It's just like something you see in a Martha Stewart episode!
I love Connecticut!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Artist of the week!

Guess who's painting earned him Artist of the week!
Sawyer titled this lovely painting
'My butterflies fly high in the sky'
Way to go Sawyer Bean! I am so proud of you.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Best City in Town!

Saturday we attended a birthday party for Sawyer's friend.
Friday night he practiced cheerfully singing 'Happy Birthday' all during dinner.

The birthday party was at the
KidCity Museum in Middletown Connecticut.

This was our first time here. If you have children and happened to be in the area definitely stop here!
Even if you don't have children, it would be worth it to borrow some and take them here. (with permission of course)

This place is awesome.

Where else can you,
Walk the plank and jump into shark infested waters,

Slide down a gigantic conk shell,

Hang with the mermaids,

Walk through the corn fields,

Draw all over the walls,

Check out used space ships,

Drive the space ships,

Conduct your own train,

and build your own skyscraper,

all before dinner!

Sawyer had so much fun he says “Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday” every time we get into the car in hopes that we are going back. Either that or he says “Boston, go to Boston.”

The only thing is be prepared, leaving sucks! Your child/children WILL fight you. It does not matter how long you stay, there is no getting around it.
However the plus side is, every parent there understood and were not completely shocked to see my two year old screaming/crying/sobbing “Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday”
all the way to the car!

In spite of the exit we will definitely be going back!:)